Paul Redhead

Nov 162019

We had a great day out in Cambridge with our friends Gog Magog Molly, and half of Cambridge’s people there as audience – or that’s what it felt like. Here are a few images of the men in action – PS the last picture isn’t us in case you’re confused by all that the colour!

Jan 232019

CMM were guests of the Balsham Plough-boys on Monday 7th January, dancing in support of their fund-raising, enjoying the hospitality of households up and down the village, and yes, appearing on look East too. But boy that wind got cold! here are a few pictures taken by Melissa Riley that evening.

Jul 182018

Although the local men (that’s the members of Cambridge Morris available to dance in and around Cambridge) have been beset by age and injury in 2018, the Travelling Morrice is in rude health and undertook its annual tour in grand style this year. 

Our Foreman for the 2018 TM tour (27 June to 1 July) was CMM stalwart, John Weaver, and the spots he organised, based on Brackley in Northants, well chosen, well organised, well-attended, and well – just great . The sun shone, the beer flowed, the music was excellent, the men on good form. What more could we want!

Here’s a gallery of pictures of the event, taken by, and edited cropped etc by… Andy Blagbrough. Thanks Andy!

May 062017

We spent a fine day in Ely and the surrounding area, starting off in Ely and ending up in the pretty village of Chippenham. Ely was chioc-a-bloc with the week-end Eel Festival which kicked off with a procession from the Cathedral, down the High Street and along to Jubilee gardens, dancing Winster most of the way, and fortunately far enough from the Samba band so that we could hear Tony’s playing. Crowds three deep in the Market Square! Jubilee gardens was fuill of stalls, families, and activity galore. Excellent beer from Mile End brewery. We danced by the river and then outside the Cutter, before walking back up to perform in the Market Square. Lunch at the Standard, with several men preferring the beer at the Drayman’s Son across the road – only pickled eggs to be had for lunch there though.

Then, luxury of luxuries, a coach took us to Newmarket where we danced outside the Rutland Arms, in the Rookery and at the Bus Station. Finally, off to dance at the Tharp Arms at Chippenham followed by an excellent chilli supper.

Here’s a picture from the day, but do visit the CMM Facebook page for lots more pictures and even a couple of videos from George.