Dec 062016

Saturday December 2016. It’s the day of that fabulous day-long street party, Mill Road Winter Fair. Will it be freezing? Who cares, it’s always a great day. Mill Road is choc-a-bloc from East Road down to Coleridge, virtually every shop has stall out with everything Cambridge’s most multi-cultural street can offer. And there’s loads of street entertainment including the Cambridge Morris Men (just don’t put us next to the Samba Band pleeeease!). We had a great day, as I hope these pictures show. Thanks to the dancers and to all friends who came up to say hello.

Rising to the occasion

Look ma, levitation!

Watch those sticks lads

Watch those sticks lads

Welcome Roger to CMM

Welcome Mark to CMM

A fine body of men...

A fine body of men…

Face off in Jockey

Face off in Jockey

Jump for joy Matt!

Jump for joy Matt!

Andrew's in the frame

Andrew’s in the frame